User can't create apple ID

New Contributor III

in our school, students can no longer create an Apple account.
I tested, with the latest update, without restriction, on two different networks, by changing the date of birth but during the configuration, I always have the same error message "unable to create the account at the moment".
Do you have a solution?
Do we have to use managed identifiers?

Thnks for your help


Contributor III

Why do you need private Apple Accounts?
And remember a serial number can create 3 Private Apple Accounts, before is "burned"

I would recommend to use Manage Apple Accounts with Apple School Manager for School use, and let users create there private at home

New Contributor III

We have always worked this way and it has never been a problem. I don't mind switching to Apple IDs, but I would like to understand why it is no longer working.
Also, when students leave the school, they will no longer have access to the managed ID and saved files.

the students can make a request to take the account with them, you see the request here

But I can´t remeber, how to start the transfor process

Esteemed Contributor

Is there a reason you are not issuing Managed Apple Accounts with ASM? I don't see you having a good time trying to stick with them creating personal Apple Accounts on organizationally owned devices.

New Contributor III

Because at the beginning of the project, there was no aggregation. The user manages the creation of his account and the backup of his documents himself. RaxiaDK indicates that a process to recover these documents before the deletion of his account exists. Do you know how it works?