Posted on 06-05-2015 02:31 AM
I am not sure if anyone else has tried or is doing this.
We are moving to the golden triangle method of authentication and home folder mapping. However, we would like to use Casper to control the users preferences depends on thier yeargroup etc. To do this we currently use workgroup manager.
Is there any way to have a configuration profile per group. The groups are being pulled from the AD Server
Any help would be great
Posted on 06-05-2015 04:56 AM
@m.higgins sounds like you're in for it with golden triangle. couple things:
1:WGM is depreciated in favor of profile manager
2: you can still map home folder without using OD but rather AD heres a quick write up ""
Let me know if this helps
Posted on 06-05-2015 05:26 AM
If you set the config profile to be user level you can limit to specific AD groups.
Posted on 06-05-2015 05:34 AM
Posted on 06-05-2015 05:46 AM
You use the limitations tab when you scope it.
Posted on 06-05-2015 05:56 AM
Posted on 06-05-2015 06:00 AM
Have you logged in to that Mac with test.staff? I remember another thread that mentioned profiles not kicking in until the user logs in.
Posted on 06-05-2015 08:30 AM
Thanks @davidacland
Perfect, working beautifully!
Posted on 06-05-2015 02:15 PM
I am decommissioning an old OD server with WGM still setting a few settings for two groups, and wanted to export the setting into plists to refer to when setting up profiles to take their place. described exactly what I needed to export the mcx settings to a single plist.
dscl -u diradmin /LDAPv3/ mcxexport /ComputerGroups/templatecompgroup -o /Users/diradmin/Desktop/export.plist
Posted on 06-05-2015 03:08 PM
Not sure if its of use or not but you can use mcxtoprofile to convert the data from OD straight to configuration profiles you can upload into Casper.