Posted on 10-19-2021 10:42 AM
Virtual JNUC 2021 logo in bright purple, blue, magenta, and orange colors.
Wondering how to get a swanky JNUC 2021 attendee badge added to your Jamf Nation profile? Fill out this form and one will be applied to your Jamf Nation user profile!
Posted on 10-19-2021 12:12 PM
Thanks for being all over this, @CalleyO! I know making sure people have the right badges is far harder than it looks. Keep up the great work!!!
Posted on 10-20-2021 06:20 PM
It's very nice event & informative looking for other learning links
Posted on 11-06-2021 11:44 PM
Hi, @CalleyO I have attended JNUC 2021 and also filled the form twice but still, the JNUC badge does not appear in my Jamf profile. Please assist me with how can I get it.
Posted on 11-08-2021 11:23 AM
Hi, @Hasibravo! Thanks for letting us know! Calley is out on a well-deserved vacation, and will be back later this week. I'd award the badge for you, but I'm fairly confident Calley has a plan to get everyone who attended JNUC 2021 their badges at the same time, and I don't want to do anything to mess that up. 😊Thank you for your patience as she gets these badges out to folks later this week. We really appreciate it!!!