JNUC 2021 Session Highlight: Automation... Where do I even begin?

Contributor III
Contributor III

In this JNUC session, two Jamf experts take the daunting prospect of automation for Apple device management and work to make it accessible for the average IT admin – no computer science degree required! Information security engineer Anna Mentzer-Hernández and senior consulting engineer Jonathan Yuresko provide a framework for approaching automation using the Jamf API to make your workflows more efficient, even if you don’t know how to write code at all. Our Jamf Blog post about Automation... Where do I even begin? has a great breakdown of the session and a full video of the presentation. 


Are you interested in attending JNUC 2022? See all the details on how to attend in-person and virtually here. Think you might like to present? Great, see our Call for Sessions page for more information. And don't forget to submit your session by April 29, 2022 to be considered for a spot on our (virtual or in-person) stage at the Jamf Nation User Conference this year!