Aloha Everyone!
Account type: Jamf School
Not sure if this is the proper place to ask, but I've been working on deploying a custom wallpaper to all of our student MacBooks for a few months now and am hitting a wall. Our previous rep, Christina was looking into this, but all we could find was a solution for Jamf Pro.
I've tried the following:
Setting a path and inputting it into a Jamf School Profile
Using composer to create a DMG to upload to Jamf School but the file is not supported
Using composer to package the image file and deploying through Jamf School - still no luck
Script to push out the image file and still no luck (would reset the desktop picture with a stock image)
Current environment: Student Restrictions Profile is installed on all MacBooks where they cannot change the Desktop picture. However, this was not in place for years until I deployed it recently. We want to reset all of the wallpapers before the end of the school year, if possible.
If anyone has a solution, I would appreciate it!
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