Adding basic logic to Notify Screen (script)?

New Contributor III

Is it possible to add some basic logic to the Jamf Notify script?


In my scenario, I'm using it as a first boot installation of a few basic apps and one of those is Zoom. Infamously Zoom doesn't have a universal installer so depending on the architecture it'll need one of two saved packages installed from Jamf Pro.

Is it possible to read the processor type in the script and add an if/else section to install the correct pkg? I had messed around with it some but it was failing and I wasn't sure why, but it was my first time testing with the Notify Screen so I wasn't sure what I was doing.


Thanks everyone!


Valued Contributor II

Yes you can.  The notify script is just like any other script.  something like this should work for you.

if [ "$arch" == "arm64" ]; then
    #install AS version
    #install Intel verison


View solution in original post


Valued Contributor II

Yes you can.  The notify script is just like any other script.  something like this should work for you.

if [ "$arch" == "arm64" ]; then
    #install AS version
    #install Intel verison


New Contributor III

Excellent thank you!

Unfortunately adding a quick change to my script hangs at this logic step but I'm sure it's something Im doing wrong.

Valued Contributor II

add set -x to debug add top after shebang 

Valued Contributor II

zoomInstallerIT.pkg is listed as universal on Jamf Apps.. Apparency reports Apple Silicon / Intel 



New Contributor III

Interesting! I hadn't even thought to use the built-in Mac Apps within Jamf. If it's only for recently imaged machines, how do you handle smart groups? Ideally I was hoping to have the machines install the necessary apps before the user was even able to reach the desktop (hence the Notify Screen). But if it's only able to do it after the user is fully logged in, that will at least get it working.

Valued Contributor II

if you need Zoom for all devices.. create a smart group 'App ZoomIT' add 'all computers' and then add  'App ZoomIT' to Jamf Apps.. this will deploy Zoom and keep it updated.. move on to your next challenge..  Note that the default config profile pushed by Jamf Apps may interfere with your Zoom config profile.. so disable the jamf one and go with the zoom config profile.. 

why the sub group.. so you can always limit the deploy by just editing 'App ZoomIT' 


New Contributor

So I worked a couple of years back with DEPNotify and it was working great for our purpose.

Does it still work great? Would like to have it start after a user completes enrollment via Apple Business Manager into Jamf Pro.

I read some conflicting experiences if DEPNotify still works with the enrollment complete trigger used by Jamf Pro.
