Jamf Composer built pkg fails Intune deployment

New Contributor

Jamf Composer was used to build a simple package

  • package deposits an .app into /Applications. Tested and verified it works locally
  • Used Jamf Composer and a Apple issued cert to sign the pkg
  • Used the IntuneWrapper to create an .intunemac file for Intune
  • File was accepted by Intune and policy successfully created
  • Errors when trying to deploy.

I’ve since been able to successfully build, sign, wrap and deploy using terminal however I would like to figure out what went wrong with the Composer build as I see the need for much more complicated packages in the future.

Because I removed the policy that was failing and rebuilt a successful one I no longer have the error code Intune spit back for this post. There was no useful error message, just the error code close to, but not exactly, 0x87D13BA2. I stress this was not the exact error code as I was unable to find the exact code ANYWHERE, not even from Microsoft documentation of error codes.

I post this hoping someone has run into this issue before and found a way to make Jamf Composer built pkg files deploy successfully. If required I’ll build another and deploy to get the exact error code. Hoping it doesn’t come to that.

Thank you all in advance.


New Contributor

Hi @Pike, did you manage to fix it? I'm currently in the same situation and it's quite frustrating :(

Many thanks