Jamf Now setup optimizations

New Contributor

Hi all,

Hope you could help me with optimizing my Jamf Now setup. We'll start using Jamf Now, first with macOS, and soon also with iOS/iPadOS. APNs, Automated Device Enrollment and Volume Purchasing are set up and working properly. We upgraded to the Fundamentals plan for the following reasons;

- Integration of Jamf Protect
- Integration of Self Service
- Setting a banner text on the Mac login window using a Custom Profiles
- Preventing users from disabling FileVault using a Custom Profiles

We also set a password/passcode policy. This is my first question about. In the macOS Setup Assistant, I could stil use an easy, short password. When would the password policy actually apply? At first password reset?

And I got another, partially related question. At the moment, I'm using one Blueprint for both macOS and iOS. I already got the experience that I'd better split it up, because I don't want the same password/passcode policy on both platforms.

Another reason to split the Blueprint, is that I see Custom Profiles cause conflicts. However I set the 'Target Device Type' for my macOS custom settings to 'Mac', Jamf Now still shows me an error because settings couldn't be applied to iOS, iPadOS and tvOS devices. I also wonder if a Apple Silicon based Mac will install iOS apps from the Blueprint. I didn't test that yet, but I don't want that to happen.

But there is a reason I don't prefer to split Blueprints. I would like to have a zero touch enrollment for both platforms. In Jamf Now, I could pre-assign a device from Apple Business Manager to a Blueprint. But you could select only one Blueprint for any new device. I'm missing a split per platform here.

To prevent macOS being enrolled to the iOS Blueprint or the other way around, I've been thinking about something like an empty Blueprint, and select that for new devices. That ensures me that all devices will be in Jamf Now, but never on the Blueprint for the incorrect platform. What's the best practice on that?