10.12.5 "Verify Certificate"

Contributor II

Since 10.12.5 has come out, this has started popping up. I've been testing DEP pre-stage enrollments and this pops up once when first connecting to Wi-Fi, before kicking off the enrollment, and then again once the user is at the desktop. Clicking "Continue" at the pre-stage just takes you to the next page to kick off enrollment. At the desktop, clicking continue prompts the user for their password and say it's changing trust settings. Can someone explain what's happening here?46e9cc7e662744cfbecc07d562cc4418


Honored Contributor

If you have an 802.1x network, this discussion should shed some light on what you're seeing. I still don't have a reliable way of working around this for our network other than avoid updating Macs to 10.12.5.


I wish I would get DEP to prompt for a certificate when selecting my wifi during the DEP setup, we are still only being presented with a password field. When we connect to the wifi in the OS, we are provided both the username and password fields and then are asked to accept the certificate unless the certs were pushed through a profile.