10.7 Install Media

New Contributor III

10.7 media can be made by digging in to the .app and using disk utility, either to optical or bootable partition:

Hopefully NetInstall images can be made the same way as this then:

New machines will prolly go the way of the Air and come with a USB stick, goodbye optical nice knowing you, I won't miss your slow install times and seek sounds :) I look forward to a free drive bay for a 2nd drive (Time Machine built in?!)

Joel Bruner
Y&R Brands
Creative technology Specialist


Valued Contributor

You could also do a Firewire Target Disk Mode block copy of the OS and utilize the System Imaging Utility.

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at fox.com<mailto:matthew.lee at fox.com>

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Honored Contributor

Gents, let's be mindful of NDAs if you're under them.

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420

New Contributor III

Hey I just pointed to readily Google-able links...
Everything else is speculation by (re: USB OS installs)
-- Joel Bruner
Creative Technology Specialist
Y&R Brands - Shared Technology Services