2018 15" MacBook Pro & 10.14.2 Update - Device Stuck in Loop

Contributor II

Just an FYI/wondering if anyone else has run into this over the last few days.

2018 15" MacBook Pro running 10.14.1. Took the 10.14.2 update via NetSUS URL pointing to Apple update content (not stored local on the NetSUS...).

Update installed no problem, rebooted. Go to login, 75% progress bar...fan cycles up, laptop turns off. Now, no logon screen at all. We are getting the Apple logo for 5 seconds, then fan cycles, then reboots. Loop.

The 2018 13" MBPro w/touchbar, no issue taking the update.

I am assuming something went sideways with a touchbar firmware update or similar. Cant even get into Recovery mode, device just powers down or reboots...


Valued Contributor

We have seen this with previous OS updates and I was hoping the update piece was fixed with 10.14.2. Obviously this isn't the case. No matter what we have tried, the only thing that worked was imaging the unit. We have some external drives to boot a boot looped Mac and this has worked to recover user data and then wipe, load an OS and re-enroll using DEP.

Contributor II

Quick update:

Reset SMC, PRAM, no change. Now, if it gets unplugged from power the device immediately just shows as having no batter charge. Touchbar has never lit up once since taking the update.

We are going to see if our hardware vendor can take a look; if nothing there then possibly a trip to the Apple store...

Contributor III

Did you get a resolution for this?
Got 2017 Macbook's that has this issue with the latest Security update. I'm wondering it they are related to Apple's SSD callback issue.

Contributor II

@tjhall Nothing as of yet, we are waiting for our vendor to take a look at the device.

Valued Contributor III

Anything show if you use verbose mode that indicates any issues?


Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Contributor II

There was nothing that could be done, our vendor has RMA'd the unit under our AppleCare contract. Hopefully just a one-off device...

We have had the update install on a few other 2018 15" devices without issue.