403 Error When Copying and Pasting Too Much Script

New Contributor II


I am trying to copy and paste this script https://github.com/Macjutsu/super/blob/5.0.0-beta2/super in to Jamf. It is close to 10,000 lines. When I copy and past short snippets of the script, Jamf allows me to save it, no problem. However, if I try to copy and paste the whole thing, I get a 403 error saying to contact my IT Administrator, which that is me. :) 

I don't have an issue copying and pasting other, smaller scripts. Is there a limit to how many lines you can paste and save at one time?

Thank you ahead of time for your advice.


Valued Contributor III

just tested a copy paste.. no issue.. using ARC browser

New Contributor II

Yeah, unfortunately I have tried it in 3 different browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Safari) and each one gives me the same error.

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 11.48.04 AM.png

Valued Contributor III

that looks like a perms issue with the account you are using.. if you can, create a new full admin account and try that. 

New Contributor II

Same issue when I had my coworker who is also a super admin try it. I am going to reach out to Jamf Support and see what they say.