Posted on 11-18-2010 08:22 AM
Hello User Group,
I trying to make a policy for a 801.1 network that the SSID is turn off.
I have searched the usergroup archives and saw this:
We have a wireless connection thats uses authentication, what i did was turn off the wireless at logout and turn it on at login , it then prompts my users for login details and to accept the certificate #!/bin/sh #Set Network Service networksetup -createnetworkservice "Library Wireless" "Airport" networksetup -setairportpower on exit 0
But after the exiting this script to use in my policy I get a error 1750.
Has anyone been able to make this work?
Posted on 11-18-2010 08:33 AM
I don't do the same thing but I do have a script to add and trust our certificate, I store the certificate locally or have Casper push it but here is the command line to add and trust a certificate into the system
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /location/of/certificate.cer
this is the script we use to see if plugged into ethernet or not and if does have ethernet shutsoff wireless
if ifconfig en0 | grep '[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]' ;
then /usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower en1 off
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setairportpower en1 on
Hope this helps
D. Trey Howell
trey.howell at
Desktop Engineering
twitter @aisdmacgeek