Aborting image process from a script

Not applicable

Hi chaps,

We've got a script that runs before imaging to get the partition scheme we
like set up. In order that we get the correct partition scheme type for the
platform we're imaging (APM for PPC / GPT for Intel) we run a little routine
to check. I'd like to be able to abort the entire imaging process though if
it can't figure out what processor type, is there a way to do this from the
script other than the rather brutal

$ casperPID=ps auxcww | grep Casper | awk '{ print $2 }'
$ kill -9 $casperPID

Seems a bit strong ,o)

Long term I think it would be really useful if returning certain values to
the Casper app from scripts could influence it's behaviour from there on in.

-- Daniel Farnworth
IT Manager
The Creative Partnership
daniel.farnworth at thecreativepartnership.co.uk

Tel: +44 (0)20 7439 7762
Fax: +44 (0)20 7437 1467

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