Posted on 04-25-2016 05:31 AM
Just updated to JSS 9.91 and was starting to work with DEP for MacBooks now that it has features we were needing. I noticed that with being able to create another local account that some info was missing. I am able to specify the Username and Password but not the Full Name. IS everyone else seeing this as well, seems like something that should be there but isn't.
Posted on 04-25-2016 02:31 PM
Yes, I noticed this as well. I was going to exploit the feature to setup a pre-existing user account, but backed out of doing it b/c of the fact it was missing "key ingredients". Also, I noticed on the same instance that when the computer ran thru Setup Assistant, and finished, the computer gave itself the "computer name" as the hidden casper administrative account, not the newly created user account during Setup Assistant. However I was able to go in and manually change the computer name to set it right. Probably all should be flagged with JAMF....