3 weeks ago
Everyone in my environment gets Office preinstalled on their Macs. Users with Acrobat Pro licenses may install the app through the Creative Cloud Desktop app. When Acrobat Pro users install the app, next time they open Word or PowerPoint, they get an error like this:
The only advice I've really seen on Adobe's forums is to go in and delete the addins. Since this issue spans Office 2016 (no longer in my environment), 2019, 2021, 2024, and 365, I've written a script (below and on my GitHub) to take care of that issue on a per-computer basis, but it needs to be re-run whenever Adobe ships an update that replaces the Office addin.
Does anyone here have a better solution or should I just work on user training that "when you get Run-time error '53', use this nifty button in Jamf to fix it"?
# Written by D3xbot
# Setup
# Set user/localized dirs
userAddinDir="/Users/$3/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/"
localizedUserAddinDir="/Users/$3/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/"
#set system-wide addins dir
sysWideAdobeAddinDir="/Library/Application Support/Adobe/MACPDFM"
sysWideMSAddinDir="/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Startup/"
# Set addin file names
# Run
# Checks for file presence, deleting files upon success.
# Echoes output for admin troubleshooting
# Remove System-Wide Addin
if [[ -d $sysWideAdobeAddinDir ]]
echo "System-Wide Addin Directory exists."
rm -r $sysWideAdobeAddinDir
echo "Removed System-Wide Adobe Addins!"
echo "System-Wide Adobe Addin Directory does not exist."
echo "Moving on."
if [[ -d $sysWideMSAddinDir ]]
echo "System-Wide Addin Directory exists."
rm -r $sysWideMSAddinDir
echo "Removed System-Wide Microsoft Addins"
echo "System-Wide MS Addin Directory does not exist."
echo "Moving on."
# Remove User Addins
if [[ -d $userAddinDir ]]
echo "User Addin Directory exists."
echo "Removing User Addins..."
cd $userAddinDir
rm ./$wordAddin
rm ./$excelAddin
rm ./$powerpointAddin
echo "Success!"
elif [[ -d $localizedUserAddinDir ]]
echo "Localized User Addin Directory exists."
echo "Removing Localized User Addins..."
cd $localizedUserAddinDir
rm ./$wordAddin
rm ./$excelAddin
rm ./$powerpointAddin
echo "Success!"
echo "Neither the User Addin directory nor the Localized User Addin directory exists!"
echo "Manual intervention required!"
exit 1
exit 0
(If you have suggestions, mention them here -or- at my GitHub. I'll keep the GitHub version up to date)
3 weeks ago
Thanks for posting this script. We see it here and there. Curious on others suggestions.