Adding a Web Clip wiped out Home Screen Layout

New Contributor

I have Configuration Profiles set up for my iPad carts and have a couple of Web Clips configured as well as some folders set up in Home Screen Layout. Today I went to add another Web Clip and when I hit Distribute to All, it wiped out the entire Home Screen Layout I had configured. Any idea why this happened or if there is any way to restore it? I am very frustrated as it was pretty complex.

Thanks in advance.




New Contributor

Here is the response I received on my JAMF support case.

"Thanks for your time today earlier on chat. So I did research into the issue and it looks like the product issue: PI-004439 currently only has one workaround which is recreating the lost home screen layouts manually within the JSS.

I've associated the case with product issue to give it traction towards an immediate resolution for upgrades going forward.Please let me know if you have any questions and have a good day!"

New Contributor II

Could it be the issue in this thread?

I did something similar and finally figured out this must have been what happened.