Posted on 01-09-2024 12:06 PM
Hi All,
I've seen several older posts in the community regarding this issue:
Running through setup assist, creating a computer account results in failure with the standard " account could not be created with name and password" message.
Has anyone come up with a solid workaround or fix for this?
Things I've tried per community recommendations:
- Removing any configuration profiles involving password policy, filevault, lockscreen. (currently have 0 config profiles)
-Toggle on/off Location Services & Information Transfer in General/Setup Assistant Options
- Creating a local administrator account before setup assistant (undesirable for workflow, but tried anyway)
Any other tips or tricks I can try?
New Jamf Admin, so apologies for any ignorance.
Posted on 01-26-2024 02:44 AM
From my experience, it has always been one of the packages being installed that is configured in the ADE configuration that causes the issue 99% of the time. Usually Jamf Connect. I install it after enrollment instead however I experienced the issue again then it works 99 times after. So who really knows.