Posted on 06-08-2010 11:44 AM
So I looked at the Adobe Application Manager and was all excited that it
would make a pkg. Well it dose, but it looks like it is all script base.
Has anyone tired to put a package in a configuration, will it work at
imaging time. My guess is now but wanted to find out before I waste my
Rich Dagel
Senior Technology Specialist
Landor Associates
1001 Front Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States
415 365 3933
Rich.Dagel at

Posted on 06-08-2010 02:03 PM
Nope it will not. It also does not presently work without a user logged in - which Adobe has recognized is a huge bug and hopes to fix soon. Hence, why the Mac version isn't listed as a release version.
On Jun 8, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Dagel, Rich wrote:
Really unhappy with Adobe on this - some of you have seen me beating them up on the prerelease forums. They've been working on this for 18+ months and still missed a huge way how systems are deployed (whether it's Casper Imaging, InstaDMG, DeployStudio, et. al.)
P.S. I've deployed the script-based .pkg's via ARD but not Casper. Was hoping to try it this week if the workload allows.
P.P.S. Has anyone else received like 12 volume license DVD's from Adobe? I swear, I've received multiple copies of Design Premium and Design Standard (we have licenses for both), for both Windows and Mac. Send me another batch and and I'll have a DVD for each user, just about
Posted on 06-08-2010 02:08 PM
I've deployed Flash Builder 4 via Casper, built with the cs5 deploy kit and works a treat
That was via self service
Sent from my iPad
Posted on 06-10-2010 12:49 AM
Just in my test I did, someone has to be logged in or the software dose not
get installed. It looks like it did, but once you log in it is not there.
So no go for imaging time or login window installs.
Rich Dagel
Senior Technology Specialist
Landor Associates
1001 Front Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States
415 365 3933
Rich.Dagel at
Posted on 06-10-2010 12:55 AM
I got so fed up with adobe that I was just doing manual installs this year. Copy the image to the client over gigabit, then run the installer manually, authenitcate license online, hand back to user. Apparently you cannot use custom trigger policies for CS4 and also for some reason my policies never finished either. CS4 design premium would always have an app or two that were not completely installed. I had so much on my plate that I just was like forget this, we are going to do manual installs.
Posted on 06-10-2010 09:05 AM
I used the AAME to bundle the Design Premium for installation (we wanted
options turned off like Auto Updates and EULA acceptance). The difference is
that I installed it on one machine and made packages out of it via Composer,
as I previously did with CS4. With CS4 this cut the imaging time of new
computers in half.
I rolled it out to about 90 computers on Tuesday night, had 2 hiccups with
different packages on 2 different computers during deployment. I sent those
back out in the morning and everything was fine. Other than that I haven't a
problem with deployment of the CS5.
David Lundgren
Sr IT Systems Administrator
Brooks Institute - "Passion, Vision, Excellence"
27 East Cota Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(888) 304-3456 (toll-free)
(805) 690-7615 (office)
Posted on 06-10-2010 01:52 PM
I was logged in as a local admin user so I could use Composer to create the
packages. Mainly because I read about the problem with the installation
package, and I wasn't planning on using the package in Casper anyway.