Adobe audit for software licenses

New Contributor III


I was wonder if anyone could help, is there a way to use Casper to retrieve
adobe licenses for audit purposes beside using Casper's License Management

perhaps in a script form



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Valued Contributor

If only. Adobe hide the licensing to prevent it from being retrievable. As far as Adobe are concerned you have to keep a log of them yourself and if you don't...tough!

If you are using boxed licenses, then you really need to stay on top of it, due to the amount of times you can install a single license. So you need to de-authorise, but if you don't know which license you have de-authorised then you are only going to become unstuck!

Of course, it may make more sense to use their volume licensing to help reduce this headache. But, this too did become a headache for us, since the distributor that our supplier was using would make a new account for us every time we bought more licenses. We ended up with so many accounts, it just became unmanageable.

In an ideal world, Adobe will wake up and provide floating licenses to enterprises like almost every other application I have to deal with, but from talking to them, they have zero interest in this. They just don't get that this would be better for them and their clients.

So, unfortunately not!



You can use a keyserver and its approved by adobe

Criss Myers

Valued Contributor


Education only though, unless they have changed that recently!


Valued Contributor

I use the following script to read the Adobe License File as Extension Attribute. It spots trial versions of Adobe products. Create smart group to look wording like "trial" etc...

I have now altered the top part of he script to collect the S/N too for the CS5 and CS6. But I don't have the CS4 version installed anywhere. So I didn't touch that part. You can easily amend the script to do that or just leave the cs4 part as it is...

you will get a results like this (s/n will be at the end of the product name):

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 activated 123456789012345678901234 Adobe Photoshop CS5 activated 123456789012345678901234 Adobe Photoshop CS6 activated 123456789012345678901234 Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 activated 123456789012345678901234 Acrobat Pro

I hope this helps!


# List any CS5 or higher products.

if [ -d /Library/Application Support/ ] ; then

# Read each each found file and add its product to a list

for AFILE in /Library/Application Support/*

PRODUCT=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<swid:product_title>(.*)</swid:product_title>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )
LICENSE=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<swid:activation_status>(.*)</swid:activation_status>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )
SERIAL=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<swid:serial_number>(.*)</swid:serial_number>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )


# List any CS4 products.

if [ -d /Users/Shared/Adobe/ISO-19770/ ] ; then

# Read each found file add its product to the list

for AFILE in /Users/Shared/Adobe/ISO-19770/*

PRODUCT=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<sat:product_title>(.*)</sat:product_title>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )

# Some products use a different version of SWID Tag where "sat:product_title" isn't valid.
# If "sat:product_title" isn't found in the tag then assume "product".

if [ "$PRODUCT" = "" ] ; then
PRODUCT=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<product>(.*)</product>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )
SUITE=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<part_of_suite>(.*)</part_of_suite>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )

# Some products such as Acrobat Pro may exist but this older version
# of SWID Tag will only indicate that it was part of a suite or standalone.
# Report if the product is part of a suite.

if [ "$SUITE" = "true" ] ; then
PRODUCT="$PRODUCT is part of an unknown CS4 suite"
LICENSE=$( sed -n -e 's/.*<sat:activation_status>(.*)</sat:activation_status>.*/1/p' "$AFILE" )


# Reports the list to the JSS.

echo -n "<result>$PRODUCTLIST</result>"

Valued Contributor

just realised that this discussion is quite the old one... never mind I hope some will make use of it :)

Esteemed Contributor III

@Cem excellent script, and useful, even if it in a 5 years old thread. :)
