Adobe CS4 Installation Disk(s)

Contributor II

There was some talk, last year, about getting a giant image file from Adobe for the CS4 suite.

My boss finally bought the licenses for "Design Premium 4.0" and I would like to get this going.

Someone mentioned that they got one giant image file, and it was the best way to deploy CS4 through Casper.

How big was it? We can't find it on the ESD website at Adobe.

They do list a "Deployment Toolkit" which is a 35 meg download with utilities to make deployment over ARD easier. Do we use this utility to make a giant installer?

Any info you can provide... would make my life easier ;-)


Peter Gawlocki
Infrastructure/Desktop Support, Tier 2

Cell Signaling Technology
3 Trask Lane
Danvers MA 01923

pgawlocki at
Office: 978-826-6051


Not applicable

Does anyone know what to ask for when you talk to Adobe?

I just spent 20 minutes being transferred to different departments and
different people to be told that CS4 is a suite product and they cannot
provide me with a single image file that contains all of the applications. The last person I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about.

Cody Smedsrud

New Contributor

If you have an agreement with Adobe and can access this page this is
where you would find it.

Patrick Bachuwa

Client Technical Services

Sears Holdings Corporation

Michigan Campus

3000 W. 14 Mile Road

P.O. Box 8073

Royal Oak, MI. 48068-8073

Phone: 248 637-0350

Honored Contributor

Talk to your Adobe sales rep and you need to purchase the electronic distribution then download it from their license site

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