Adobe InDesign fails after Update

Valued Contributor II

I know it's not JAMF, but since I want to push out updates I thought I'd ask here... When I run Adobe Update (RUM, or the GUI), I get a message when I try to launch InDesign. "Cannot load Adobe InDesign CC 2014 because it requires version 10.2 or later of the Dynamic Documents.InDesignPlugin" Sure enough, version 10.0 is installed. I can't remove the plugin as it is required. Any idea why that plugin isn't updated and where I can get a newer version?

Also, when trying to use RUM (/usr/sbin/RemoteUpdateManager), I want to just look for, or list, available updates. RUM wants to just update. Any suggestion on how to determine if an update is available without applying it?



Was the initial install of InDesign done with the Adobe packager? I had issues as well with applying some updates to InDesign. I ended up having to download a new package from Adobe, deleting the existing InDesign and installing the new package. This way it included current updates.

Valued Contributor II

yeah - we used the Adobe package tool. I'll repackage and try again. Thanks for the suggestion.

The bigger question I'm trying to solve is to determine if an update for Adobe is available without applying it. I want to have a Self Service update button for Adobe CC to appear only when updates are available. It looks like I'm going to have to rewrite aamimporter to just look at whats installed and look whats available, then set a flag. I really wish RUM would have a --list option or something...

Contributor III

At JNUC last week Adobe had a session, Cynics Beware: Adobe in the Enterprise, where they announced that a new version of RUM will be available in a few weeks that will add the ability to list available updates and to download only to cache the updates to be installed at a later time, very similar to the softwareupdate command.