Airdrop Stopped Working After iOS 17 Update

New Contributor

We generally restrict student ipads to not allow Airdrop. We use a Static Device Group exemption to allow it for a select few students who use it to share app data with their teacher. Everything was working well until we started to update the student ipads to iOS17.x. Teacher ipads, even ones on iOS17.x can still Airdrop. Student ipads, once on iOS17, can Airdrop to the teacher ipad, but the teacher ipad can't Airdrop back to the same student ipad. How do I find the setting that needs to be changed?


Contributor III

Ensure Airdrop is allowed on the Teacher's iPad with no restrictions in Place, check the  Airdrop settings, and ensure Everyone is selected 

Airdrop works on the teacher's ipad to receive from all the student ipads,
but the teacher ipad can only send via Airdrop to student ipads that are on
iOS16 not to student ipads on iOS17.


*Joan Gargulak*
Senior Technology Specialist
School District of New Berlin

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