Posted on 10-31-2017 06:13 AM
Hello Everyone,
Our next Macbrained Twin Cities meetup is set for November 16th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at Jamf in downtown Minneapolis. Our guest speakers are Paul Bowden and Erik Schwiebert with Microsoft and they'll be presenting on the next major version of Office for Mac - Suite 16. They'll tell us what changes to expect in the next few months and how those changes will affect us. We'll learn about their major engineering effort with version 16 to align the Mac code with the PC code.
This user group is for Mac admins from all industries and experience levels and is a chance to learn and network with others. Please join us!
You'll find more information here:
Follow us on Twitter at: @mspmacadmns (note the absence of the 'i'). And find us on Slack at #macbrained_twincities.