Posted on 09-02-2014 04:47 AM
we are currently running app store in update only mode for all clients.
We have set out software update server to our local apple sus which is based on reposado.
Is it normal for updates within the app store to show both updates available from our local SUS and also apple? I thought it would just be running the software update --list command which correctly only shows updates we have made available on our update server.
If this is normal, is there anyway we can restrict the app store to only show updates we've made available and not what is available to them on apples external update servers?
Posted on 09-02-2014 05:13 AM
That isn't normal behavior. How are you setting the SUS? Config profile? defaults write command to /Library/Preferences/
Or are you talking about updates to App Store-only apps (like the newer versions of iWork (Pages Numbers Keynote) and iLife (iMovie GarageBand iPhoto et. al.)? Those don't come from the SUS...