Posted on 01-25-2016 06:31 PM
OK, no VPP yet, and we need to deploy Apple Configurator 2. Should be straight forward, like every other App Store app, right?
Um, nope. On first launch user needs to go to Apple Configurator 2 > Install Automation Tools... which creates these two symbolic links, and of course requires admin rights:
/bin/ln -s /Applications/Apple Configurator /usr/local/bin/cfgutil
/bin/ln -s /Applications/Apple Configurator /usr/local/share/man/man1/cfgutil.1
Took a close(r) look and it seems like the completion flags are put here (using "$u" since we plan to loop the settings through all user directories...if possible...danged sandboxed apps!):
/usr/bin/defaults write /Users/"$u"/Library/Containers/ HasInstalledAutomation -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write /Users/"$u"/Library/Containers/ LastAcceptedConfiguratorLicenseVersion EA1353
Anyone figure out how to do this? When user installs Apple Configurator 2, he/she should not have to Install Automation Tools....
PS, is it even possible/advisable to try to use defaults for pref files in ~/Library/Containers/
Posted on 01-25-2016 06:52 PM
- For the symlinks, possibly obtain the installer package via this method
- For the preferences, use a Custom Settings Configuration Profile for the "" domain?
- Otherwise, for the preferences use Outset or a login policy to run:
/usr/bin/defaults write HasInstalledAutomation -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write LastAcceptedConfiguratorLicenseVersion EA1353
Then you don't have to worry about looping through users.
Posted on 01-25-2016 06:54 PM
Oh, wait, upon further review you say the symlinks are created at launch? May need to run a script after installation if that's truly when they're created (e.g. when the MAS package isn't used).
Posted on 01-25-2016 07:19 PM
Yea, plus will this work with sandboxed apps?
FWIW, 1.7.2 is sandboxed but the only two things that are annoying are the EULA and Welcome window, which don't require admin rights. Unfortunately v2 has that feature that requires admin rights on first launch.
Posted on 01-26-2016 07:19 AM
So we are just using the MAS package unmodified for deployment and we aren't getting the admin account prompt. Just the license agreement. Not sure why that would be... The license agreement to me isn't a big deal for this package so i have just let the user click it.
Posted on 01-26-2016 08:14 AM
@foigus wrote:
Oh, wait, upon further review you say the symlinks are created at launch? May need to run a script after installation if that's truly when they're created (e.g. when the MAS package isn't used).
Yes the script is run after installation. The defaults command is needed for the app to know they're already there. Looping through users' home directories containers plist files don't seem to be getting it done. Could this be related to sandboxing?
@joecurrin do you see the Apple Configurator 2 > Install Automation Tools... option after launching? Does it prompt for admin rights? The EULA isn't a deal breaker for us, we're not too concerned about it.
Posted on 01-26-2016 01:48 PM
@donmontalvo I'm only going by the command you shared, but if those commands are being run by root or any other user as is, then you also need to correct ownership on the file after it's been created (particularly if you're just looping through all home directories.
Sorry to get a little inception-y here, but since I've already mentioned this before its easier than repeating myself:
If this is not at all what you're experiencing then please disregard my comment :)
Posted on 01-26-2016 05:51 PM
@bpavlov thanks, and no worries, all feedback is welcome. :) We are looping through after setting these, with a command to set ownership to that user, for example:
/usr/bin/defaults write /Users/"$u"/Library/Containers/ HasInstalledAutomation -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write /Users/"$u"/Library/Containers/ LastAcceptedConfiguratorLicenseVersion EA1353
chown -R "$u" /Users/"$u"/Library/Containers/
Posted on 04-23-2016 01:09 PM
Circling back a few months later to get Apple Configurator 2.2 deployed, and as in original post, creating two symbolic links after install.
Through trial and error, it seems Apple Configurator 2.2 has to be launched by the current user first, for their app specific sandboxed folders/files to be created.
Then we can use Self Service to grab the logged in username, and apply the key, using a blend of commands from @mm2270 and @elliotjordan:
username=$(/usr/bin/stat -f%Su /dev/console)
sudo -u $username defaults write HasInstalledAutomation -bool true
sudo -u $username defaults write LastAcceptedConfiguratorLicenseVersion EA1353
exit 0
That writes it to /Users/username/Library/Containers/
If the user does this without first launching Apple Configurator 2.2, the app crashes, or doesn't crash and doesn't take the new setting.
We're going to open a case with AppleCare, there has to be a way to manage these things better in enterprise environments. Even if we had VPP (coming soon!), we would still be faced with this issue.