Apple School Manager

New Contributor


Has anyone upgraded to Apple School Manager. If you have then wanted to know how it went for you.

  1. Did you come across problems whilst upgrading.
  2. Were there any problems after the upgrade.
  3. What advice would you give on anyone embarking this.
  4. We have 2 DEP instances, do you envisage any problems with a set up like this.
  5. Is it advantageous to be on the latest JSS ie 9.96?

plus any other advice you can give.

Many thanks


Contributor II

I would add to that, that we are currently on Casper Vn 9.92.
- Supplementary Question..
Are there any issues, specific to using Casper Vn 9.92 and Apple School Manager ?

We plan to upgrade to Casper Vn 9.96 at some point soon.
But timing is an issue, while we are still making lab changes at the moment.

Contributor II
Contributor II

You may already be aware of this resource, but I want to share this important detail for those looking at the migration path from Deployment Programs to Apple School Manager.

AppleCare can assist with merging Deployment Program accounts (DEP & VPP) if different Apple IDs were used for these two program sites. This is an important step that needs to be completed prior to upgrading to Apple School Manager.

US EDU Phone Support:
1 (800) 919-2775 (Ext. 83752)

Web Support:


Apple School Manager isn't super great in our environment other than hosting our MDM token/devices. The Apple IDs are pretty much useless for kids to download and pay for their own apps, and you cannot convert them to real Apple IDs, even if you delete them (their email never can be used again after 30 days of deletion). Migrating to it was a simple as letting Apple move stuff over, but just be warned if Apple updates their terms and conditions you JSS may stop pushing out commands or VPP licenses until you accept them with the "master" admin.

Contributor II

Any thoughts on the role concept?
I have 10 locations - and thought I could assign specific "site managers" to them.
But when I try to add a new site manager I only see the top level - no locations.
Anyone able to help me sort that out?23b7d162c9a0447d90c3dccc0cd5cb3f

Contributor II

Does anyone know if there is an issue with using Apple School Manager with Casper Vn 9.92 ?

I know Casper Vn 9.96 would be best - It's just that we are being asked about enabling Apple School Manager before we upgrade to Casper Vn 9.96.

Other then a 'sync now' issue, I am not yet aware of any problems of not using Casper 9.96
(we are currently on Casper Vn 9.92)

  • But would like to hear if any others have had any issues with using Apple School Manager with a version of Casper Other then Vn 9.96 ?