Posted on
11:37 AM
- last edited
a week ago
Hi All,
I'm hoping I can get some insight from anyone else having an issue with their packages failing to install properly. I've followed the process for packaging apps that was shown to me during my jump start. But some apps install properly and others do not. I've tried changing the configuration around a bit but nothing seems to be working.
Here is the policy log I receive via email Thanks
*An error occurred while running the policy "Adobe Reader DC" on the computer
Actions from policy log:
[STEP 1 of 5]
Executing Policy Adobe Reader DC
[STEP 2 of 5]
Downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.pkg...
Verifying package integrity...
Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.pkg...
Installation failed. The installer reported: installer: Error trying to locate volume at /Applications
[STEP 3 of 5]
Installing all available Software Updates...
Result of Software Update: No updates are available.
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
Software update finished. Reboot is not required. [STEP 4 of 5] [STEP 5 of 5]
The complete policy log is available in the JSS at:
Posted on 10-18-2019 12:12 PM
Can you post your policy?
Posted on 10-23-2019 12:01 PM
@larry_barrett I actually figured out what I was doing incorrectly, I was building the pkg's incorrectly. Rather than drag and drop with Composer, I was taking the downloaded pkg and running it through self-service, so I can only assume there were a lot of things missing doing that configuration process to make it work.
Thanks for the response