Posted on 10-20-2016 06:54 AM
Can anyone confirm the following?
On previous versions of macOS, if you wanted to enable the mounting of the network home as a sharepoint at login, you could type this:
dsconfigad -sharepoint enable
The setting could be confirmed by the command:
dsconfigad -show
Advanced Options - User Experience
Create mobile account at login = Disabled
Require confirmation = Disabled
Force home to startup disk = Enabled
Mount home as sharepoint = Enabled
Use Windows UNC path for home = Enabled
Network protocol to be used = smb
Default user Shell = /bin/bash
On 10.12 (build 16A323) it appears that network homes no longer auto mount - even with "Mount home as sharepoint" enabled.
I am not sure if it's due to something weird at my end - or if the option has gone.
Is anyone auto-mounting successfully on Sierra? (via dsconfigad - not via a script)
Posted on 11-23-2016 07:20 AM
Hi Mark,
Is it possible to contact you via chat or so?
Posted on 12-01-2016 05:53 AM
This is something our Apple support guys flagged up from the Apple Developer documentation:
The default behavior in macOS 10.12 when mounting a network volume with automation (e.g. via AppleScript) is to be prompted to connect, even when the user credentials have been stored in the login keychain. Starting with macOS 10.12.2 beta, you can skip this prompt by running this command in Terminal as an admin user:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AllowUnknownServers -bool YES
I haven't got a solution yet, but confirm that it is a problem!