Posted on 04-20-2016 07:43 AM
We have finally figured out about these two tools and have been using them for a few version updates now: AutoDMG to create the file we use for imaging and createOSXinstallPkg to create the file used for OS X updates.
The question I had is whether we need to be using both tools? Can we use the output from createOSXinstallPkg for imaging? the AutoDMG output is nice because it adds in any updates, but it just eats up space on out distribution points having two versions of the same OS: one for imaging and one for updates.
Just thought I'd ask if this is what other people are doing?
Posted on 04-20-2016 07:47 AM
You can use createOSXinstallPkg to apply an OS but its not imaging the drive, instead its installing the OS in a similar fashion to running the retail Apple OS X installer.
This has two issues. its slower than applying images and installing additional packages has to be done post install and not straight after imaging.
Posted on 04-20-2016 08:02 AM
Thanks @gavin.pardoe . That's kind of what I thought, but it's good to have confirmation.