Posted on 06-08-2017 12:17 PM
Hi all,
I'm updating the server app on over 300 Mac servers, and need an automated method to run through the prompts, with out touching them directly. I've found a few options out there, and I'll include the one I've gotten closest to working.
set timeout 300
spawn server setup
expect "Press Return to view the software license agreement." { send
expect "Do you agree to the terms of the software license agreement? (y/N)" { send "y
" }
expect "User name:" { send "MYADMINUSERNAME
" }
expect "Password:" { send "MYPASSWORD
" }
When I run this, I do see the user agreement in the log, but it stops mid way through and returns this:
-bash: my hidden jss admin account's password: command not found
I'm assuming it's getting tripped on that because that's the account the script is being run from, but I can seem to figure a way around it. I'm a scripting hack, at best, so I'm struggling (like all day) with this. Any help would be appreciated.