Best troubleshooting Mac Magazines

New Contributor II

I have been put in charge of getting two Mac magazine subscriptions for the offices internationally.
I am thinking Mac Format and MacLife here in the UK.

Are those the best Mac troubleshooting/learning magazines for an enterprise IT Support department to subscribe to? What subscriptions do people have? Thanks!


New Contributor III

Mac Tech magazine is without question the most technical and useful magazine out there. Head and shoulders above any of the others. It's the only title in which you will find articles about deployment, Casper, MCX, Profiles etc.

However, it is a proper big boys/girls tech magazine, so depending on the level of your techs it might be overkill.

Subs are reasonable and they do trials, so check it out...

Valued Contributor II

+1 for MacTech

Contributor II

@danf_burberry Thanks for the trial link!

New Contributor II

@danf_burberry Thanks for the link. For our first-line/second-line techs who mostly have no unix or Mac experience that will be overkill but it's nice to know that a magazine like that is out there!