Best way to package Office 2016 while excluding some apps?

New Contributor II

When you run the Office 2016 installer, you can click Custom and uncheck whichever apps you don't want. I want to deploy Office 2016 on Casper without Outlook and OneNote.

If I just use the installer directly, I assume all the apps will install. If I use Composer to take a snapshot, and then run the installer with those apps unchecked, and close the snapshot, I suppose that would slightly work, but I'm wondering about all the logic the installer is doing, and if that package would work on everyone's computer. Some people will have the previous version of Office installed, some wont, etc.

How would you do it? Thanks.


Contributor III

Either use a ChoiceChangesXML file with the suite, or use the individual installers for Word, Excel, etc.

New Contributor II

Can you tell me more about how I'd generate the XML file and use it properly? I googled and didn't find any walkthroughs, just other people saying to use it. Thank you.

New Contributor III

Use the tool that Talking Moose created. It is an Apple script that when run asks for your installer package, allows you to select the products you want, and then lets you save it. Here is a link: