Best way to reinstall safari only, after a bad policy.

New Contributor II


-Two policies were created to install the OS specific version of Safari 11.0.2 on to El Cap and Sierra machines to apply the Spectre fix.
-Scoping/Smart groups had some sort of ambiguity that installed the Sierra version of Safari (.pkg) onto a small subset of El Cap machines.

Safari became unusable.

Attempted fixes:
-Tried installing the correct El Cap .pkg (both soured from ASUS) did not fix anything.
-Pushed Safari 11.0.3 pkg from ASUS on to the subset of machines, This got Safari running.

New Issue:
Safari 11.0.3 now frequently errors with "Safari bookmark sync agent quit unexpectedly".

Anyone have some ideas on how to fix this with just fixing Safari and no OS level re-installs?


Valued Contributor III

Just ran into this on one of my Macs. Not sure how the user ended up with Safari bookmark Sync Agent message, but lucky for me, he was the only one.

After all the troubleshooting I did, what fixed it was installing Security Update 2018-001 (Sierra) and rebooting. I did this on a Sierra Mac, so maybe try Security Update 2018-001 for 10.11.