Posted on 06-16-2016 01:11 PM
Standard accounts on macs can install OS updates and app updates with the mac app store without putting admin credentials.
I was wondering what any of you do to prevent users from running app store updates on the mac. I would like to block the OS from updating at all.
Posted on 06-16-2016 01:15 PM
You could set up a SUS server and point the Macs to it, that way you control the updates.
Could also restrict the App Store under Casper's restriction feature.
Posted on 06-16-2016 05:28 PM
@bbeaudre You can execute this command on the client to ignore the El Cap update.
softwareupdate --ignore "OS X El Capitan Update"
I did this until I got my SUS working the way I wanted it.
This way apps can still be updated.