Posted on 03-19-2015 03:50 AM
We are recent Enterprise customers of and looking to deploy Box Edit and Sync to our casper managed machines.
From the online discussion here
We have followed the instructions for Sync, and got that working in Self Service with the exception of running the bootstrapper. Have other people run this the bootstrapper as a background process? As ours never seems to complete then gives an error.
According to this technote, Box Edit is "designed to work with Mac deployment tools, such as Casper Suite". Am i missing something? They have provided a DMG and not a pkg that could just slot into Casper. Also it appears to be required to be run per user, per machine. How have others handled this?
Posted on 03-19-2015 05:36 AM
Hi Jamie
I didn't follow the guide on the Box site. I created DMGs from Composer snapshots. When deploying the DMGs make sure you check the boxes for FUT and FEU.
Box Edit is basically a browser plugin and it gets installed under the user account Library. The user doesn't need admin privileges to install, so we decided to not bother updating our Box edit package. They release regular updates so it seams simpler to instruct the user to download it from Box directly.
Sync will need admin authentication to install. I didn't know that having the bootstrapper meant they didn't need admin rights to install updates. If this works, it should be very useful, due to the regular updates to their applications. It means you can just advise the user to download the latest and install it themselves (as long as you deployed your packaged version previously). I'll test this out.
Here are some pics of the two dmgs I made
Posted on 03-24-2015 01:28 PM
I am also experiencing issues with the box edit install.
As of version 3.0.18 with Safari 8.x or Safari 7.x ~/Library/Application Support/Internet Plug-Ins/Box Edit.plugin does not seem to exist anymore.
Posted on 11-28-2016 10:51 AM
i know this post is old but just incase anyone else lands here,
this make s it a snap to deploy
Posted on 03-15-2017 01:07 PM
I'm a little new to writing scripts, but how would this look as a login script? It detects if Box Edit is installed... if not, it downloads the latest installer, mounts the volume, and opens the app. Thoughts?
DetectBoxEdit=$( system_profiler -detailLevel full SPApplicationsDataType | grep -o 'Box')
if [ ! "$DetectBoxEdit" == "Box" ]; then
curl -o /tmp/BoxToolsInstaller.dmg
hdiutil attach /tmp/BoxToolsInstaller.dmg
open '/Volumes/Box Tools Installer/Install Box'
Posted on 03-15-2017 02:18 PM
I like lawlerblades suggestion better, but some environments are way to touchy about latest and greatest. This post install snipit will launch the app in the user context if you need to deploy by DMG.
UserName="$(stat -f %Su /dev/console)"
sudo /bin/launchctl asuser "$UserName" /usr/bin/open "Library/Application Support/Box/Box Edit/Box"