Can not get preinstall script to work during imaging

New Contributor II

I have a package that i want to install at imaging time that will nuke all the fonts on the image and only add back these fonts in the package. I have taken the time to find out what are the base OS fonts needed and want to remove the rest.

I have it in a PKG form so i can do a preinstall script in the package. Here is the script:

## preinstall


###### removes fonts in system and library level

/bin/rm -rf "/Library/Fonts/" /bin/rm -rf "/System/Library/Fonts/"

exit 0 ## Success
exit 1 ## Failure

For some reason it dose not delete the fonts. it just adds that fonts from the package. (I also gave the fonts a label so i would know what fonts where added to a computer down the road)

I have given it a priority of 20 so it is the last package to install in case any others also installed fonts.



Honored Contributor

You may want to run this post image because while netbooted it may be running the command on the netinstall/netboot image instead of the client hard drive.



Without knowing which fonts you're trying to delete I can only suggest
On 10/13/11 1:43 PM, "San Fran Geek" <sanfrangeek at> wrote:
that you're running into Apple's protected fonts feature that restores
fonts to the /System folder if they're deleted. For example, deleting
certain fonts such as Helvetica from /System/Library/Fonts will result in
a dialog tell you it's a protected font and will be restored.

We gave up the battle of the System fonts and opted to stop trying to
remove/customize them. Instead, Extensis Suitcase Fusion has a feature
that will allow your versions of fonts to override the System fonts. I'm
not sure you can enable it with the GUI but you can enable this via script.


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492