Posted on 12-27-2017 08:06 AM
I have deployed Splashbuddy in a test environment. When a computer enrolls, I get the splashbuddy with all my apps listed with the correct icons and presentation however, the only feedback I get is "We are preparing your mac" message. there is no completions on the applications and I have no feedback to present to the user.
Has anybody experienced this?
I suspect it has to do with packageName in the ApplicationsArray. The Kickstart shows PKG files. I am using DMGs .
My package names on Jamf are ie) . googleFileStream- and I just put googleFileStream in the packageName spot.
Posted on 06-20-2018 07:15 AM
@solutionscubed did you ever figure this out? I have the same problem with "we are preparing your mac" and can't figure out why it's getting stuck.
Posted on 06-20-2018 01:39 PM
Looks to be working now. In the plist, I set the packageName to include the ".pkg". The packageName should only be the name before the version and extension.
Posted on 09-08-2018 03:43 PM
Stunted progress within the UI would be down to using DMG files. PKG are the only supported package type as far as I know.
I have just come across this myself. Has anyone else had any success with using DMG files in their policies with SplashBuddy? Any workaround?
I might try and pair the DMG policies with an empty PKG of the same filename. That would write to jamf.log and report successful to Splashbuddy, which would allow it to complete maybe?
Posted on 09-09-2018 12:06 PM
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Posted on 09-09-2018 03:28 PM
Thanks @txhaflaire ... been playing today and found if I include a script before installation that writes my own entry to jamf.log (and one after installation), it will handle DMG installs just fine (as I am populating the jamf log that Splashbuddy is monitoring).
Pre Install Script:
echo "Installing Slack-0.0.0.pkg..." >> /var/log/jamf.log
exit 0
Post Install Script:
echo "Successfully installed Slack-0.0.0.pkg." >> /var/log/jamf.log
exit 0
I made the version number irrelevant so you can update your polices with the current PKG without having to ever amend these scripts.
Tests fine in my environment. FYI, you can achieve the same thing using an empty PKG with the correct naming conventions but this method seems more sensible.