Casper 9.1 upgrade - iOS Self Service icons

New Contributor III

Hi all.

Hopefully just a quick one. I've just upgraded to 9.1, and the icons for self service have gone haywire. From what I can tell, all of the iOS app and iOS profile icons have been replaced with icons that I've uploaded for the OSX Policies. That means for example, that I've got pictures of our printers where the Evernote logo should be, and the Xcode icon instead of iMovie, and there are a number of icons which just don't resolve at all so are blank.

When I checked the icon URL, it comes up as https:/jss.fqdn:8443//iconservlet/?id=54&scale=1

Does anyone have any ideas what may have gone wrong, or how to fix it quickly (the upgrade seems to have gone OK otherwise, no errors I've found)? Id rather not have to hunt down a new icon for each app, and I'd rather not have to remove and re-add apps because of the pain of the VPP codes for the paid apps...



New Contributor

I am having a similar issue as well. Any word on this?

Thanks, Dave

New Contributor III

We are seeing this as well. We upgraded to 9.11 this afternoon.