Casper 9.11 issues Please HELP

New Contributor III

have been crashing for the past 3 days since upgrading and having all sorts of other fun issues. currently tomcat seems to be locking up the server.
17390 tomcat7 20 0 9770m 8.3g 14m S 99.4 71.3 10:47.71 java

This is happening about every 10 minutes, i have changed mysql settings and tmcat memory settings currently reserved to 8gb as well as a host of other things, any ideas?


New Contributor III

jamf has been assisting however we are now on day 3 and i am grasping at straws. Any help would be welcome.

Contributor III

Michael, what OS and version are you running 9.11 on?

Does the app crash or does the server stop responding until a reboot?

Valued Contributor II

This happened to me. Got it resolved after over a week with support.

My main problem was a lot of criteria in smart groups causing problems. Unlike version 8 it seems like if you have say 10 criteria in a smart group and you have a few if these it causes tomcat to lock up.

I found it very difficult without JAMFs help because every time I tried to go in to the web app and sort out the smart groups or try and delete them, it locked up :(

In the end I had to send support my database to clean it up and send it back.