Casper Imaging - 10.8 issue running locally

Valued Contributor III

I wanted to check with the community before I file this as a bug, but this is something I saw with earlier versions of Casper Imaging that I had hoped would be fixed with the release supporting 10.8.

One of our uses cases requires running Casper Imaging locally on the booted OS. Namely, if we do not yet have a base image or Netboot working for new hardware, we use the shipped OS and copy Casper Imaging to the desktop after setting up our admin account.

This lets our techs run a configuration (our normal configuration minus the image DMG) that copies the required packages and sets up the firstrun script, then from there everything proceeds as normal and we end up with a fully-configured system.

I've noticed that with Mountain Lion, this process fails quietly. Casper Imaging just skims through all the package copies and the firstrun script is not created. No errors are thrown.

It turns out that this is a permissions issue, and Mountain Lion seems to have different permissions on the file system location Casper Imaging uses for the firstrun process. As a user with admin rights it won't work, but if I enable and log in as root it works as expected.

Does anyone have any insight here? This process is important for us to provide same-day support for new hardware without building multiple base images for each custom OS build Apple releases.


Valued Contributor

I've noticed permission issue with Casper Admin I wonder if they are related.

Contributor III

I decided to do an OS-less Configuration for our new machines this year as well.

The machines NetBoot to 10.8 (because the old 10.7.4 didn't work with the new Macbook Pros and I didn't want to make on specifically for them) with auto-login for root and Imaging runs at login per usual and the packages are laid down over the top. Works wonderfully.

I am assuming based on your seen behavior that Imaging is expecting you to be logged in as root.