Posted on 07-09-2015 05:49 PM
Anyone seeing issues with Block Copy Imaging while on 10.10.3 Server and 10.10.3 DMG created from AutoDMG and JSS 9.72? Imaging process fails to block copy i still have NetBoot 10.9.5 with 9.72 on there and it works GREAT with 10.9.5 upgrades to 10.10.3 everything works great but netboot 10.10.3 with 9.72 even on 10.10.1 machines fails. Checked logs stated permissions error?? tried 10.9.5 image as well on there same thing?? I'm running 9.72 and my distribution point is SMB.
Any help would be greatly appreciated banged my head a few times trying to figure this out
Posted on 07-09-2015 06:45 PM
One of the Desktop Admins at my company has been having ongoing issues with imaging that I have been unable to reproduce. The management account is not created... or the management account's homedir is not created properly. I have yet to dig into the issue as every time I image... I don't have a problem.
Posted on 07-09-2015 09:52 PM
I have this issue on a 10.10.3 server, but not on my 10.10 server. OS Base won't block copy but imaging process succeeds.
I'm still running Casper v9.61 until I can find the time to upgrade!
I just assumed it was the version of Casper I was running, and an upgrade was necessary.
Posted on 07-10-2015 01:58 AM
Not seen issues with block copy as i don't use AutoDMG, but getting the impression that Casper Imaging 9.72 is buggy. I had a problem with the recover partition size and was told by Jamf to use Casper Imaging 9.61 (which fixed my problem).