Casper Imaging 9.82 issues

Valued Contributor

Sorry for duplication if I mention known issue, and if any related discussion is already open

We are experiencing two serious issues reimaging macs with Casper Imaging after JSS was upgraded to the version 9.82:

  1. OS X system image block-copy stopped working. Instead of doing block-copy, Casper Imaging is installing OS X. Images were created by AutoDMG v.1.5.5 (build 429), and issue happens with both OS X 10.10 and OS X 10.11 images.

  2. When erasing target drive, Casper Imaging does not create Recovery partition. We realized that via trying to turn on FileVault, then error message "there is no recovery partition" popped up. Until now I have to use CCC to manually re-create Recovery partition.

Everything was working fine on 9.81

I tried to use Casper Imaging v.9.81, but it also works with issues mentioned above

I am not sure if those issues are doe to something in JSS 9.82 or to AutoDMG

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Contributor II


I have seen this before, a while ago, but not in Casper Imaging 9.82.

We are doing the same thing you are doing using Auto DMG, and we always get a block copy (not getting a block copy I know, it sucks, slow).

We are using Auto DMG 1.54, not 1.55, that is one difference and we use "Create Recovery Partition Installer" and that always seems to create Recovery Partitions perfectly as a PKG and that gets installed right after the AutoDMG OS X dmg, and it will reinstall over a previous Recov Part, it won't keep on making more and more new ones.

Valued Contributor


Thank you, John! I am going to test adding Recovery Partition PKG made with Create Recovery Partition Installer.

Valued Contributor



We've got this working fine, but also with AutoDMG 1.54. I noticed that sometimes I get the file-by-file installation if I didn't erase the disk first in Disk Utility, and then again using Casper Imaging. A weird quirk, but now out of habit I always launch Disk Utility first, erase the disk, quit Disk Utility, then launch Casper Imaging and make sure I check the "Erase Disk" option before imaging.

Valued Contributor

Thank you Jason!
Yes, I always make sure to erase disk with Disk Utility first. I rebuilt 10.10.5 and 10.11.3 images with AutoDMG 1.54 today, tested Casper Imaging with both - no block-copy, no Recovery Partition :(
May I ask you, please, about what OS X version on bootable drives where you host Casper Imaging?


You're welcome Mark!

We use a variety of 10.11 installs on our external bootable drives. I think mine is 10.11.2.