Posted on 06-23-2009 11:03 AM
I have a 17" intel iMac that I cannot get to load Casper Imaging on via
netbooted to a Netinstall set created from JAMF's tools. It will
Netboot, load the OS and as soon as Casper Imaging goes to load it hangs
on initializing, every once in a while it will get to checking packages.
Other intels netboot to the same server and install set properly.
I have removed the computer from the JSS
I zeroed the HD
I imaged it in Target boot mode just fine.
I upgraded the firmware
Moved it to an entirely different subnet on known good connections at a
different building.
I'm out of ideas. Any advice? Thanks!
Dustin Dorey
Technology Support Cluster Specialist
Independant School District 196
Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools
dustin.dorey at
Posted on 06-23-2009 12:04 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Might be a bad sector that may need to be
remapped via Disk Utility.
James Alcasíd, ACSA | VeriSolv Technologies
Department of Veterans Affairs | Enterprise Infrastructure Engineering
470 L'Enfant Plaza Suite 3100, Washington DC 20024
Office (202) 245-4573, Mobile (703) 400-1471
Posted on 06-23-2009 11:28 AM
Hardware problem?