Casper Imaging HD DISK name ??

Valued Contributor II

I just noticed when going into Disk Utility that the Hard Drive Disk is being named Macintosh HD and so is the Volume. These are on computers that have been imaged via Casper Imaging.

Why is this happening?
I would rather have the 'disk' labeled; 251 GB APPLE SSD TS25......

why is the disk name changing to 'Macintosh HD' ?
how do i get it back to be labeled as the HD size/type like how it normally is from factory?

Macintosh HD (disk) Macintosh HD (volume)


Contributor III

This is the result of technologies like FileVault 2 and Fusion Drive that uses CoreStorage logical volume schemeby abstracting physical volumes logically into a logical volume group. It can be reverted if there's nothing relying on CoreStorage.

The OS X Installer will also undergo the conversion process during an upgrade.

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Contributor III

I may be 100% wrong on this but when I've seen that it's been on disks that have FV2 enabled.

In my testing if you were to format the encrypted disk it would display as expected. I am not recommending you do that just relaying what I've seen. :)


Valued Contributor II

ok, sounds interesting, and come to think of it might be 100% correct. The few I've seen it listed as Macintosh HD are FV2 encrypted enrolled laptops.

I'll check an enrolled laptop that has yet to be FV2 enabled.

currently a laptop NOT enrolled and NOT FV2 enabled displays

251 GB APPLE SSD TS25 (disk) Macintosh HD (volume)

Contributor III

This is the result of technologies like FileVault 2 and Fusion Drive that uses CoreStorage logical volume schemeby abstracting physical volumes logically into a logical volume group. It can be reverted if there's nothing relying on CoreStorage.

The OS X Installer will also undergo the conversion process during an upgrade.

Valued Contributor II

@htse laptops here are FV2 enabled, so since my organization requires encryption I am stuck with seeing Macintosh HD as the disk name ?

Contributor III

yes, that would be the case. If you really do miss it however, System Information, system_profiler should still be list the physical devices, or "diskutil coreStorage list" should show you the devices that makes up the Macintosh HD logical volume group.