Casper Netboot Automator Action for 10.8 NBIs?

New Contributor

I am not able to get this to work for 10.8 there a new version of this being release for ML or is there a way to get it to work with a ML so that it will automatically run Casper Imaging when netbooting? Thanks in advance


Valued Contributor II

I believe this hasn't worked for some time. I just make my own NetBoot disk where I have ROOT enabled and set it to auto-login and launch Casper Imaging. I have another local admin account on there as well in case I need to run something like Disk Warrior.

Valued Contributor II

Ditto... You can even configure a number of things in the root user that may be useful for your environment. For example, During our primary mass imaging (I work in the edu sector) I run a very simple nbi that only logs into root, launches casper imaging, and the the prestage. However, during the academic year I've got the .nbi loaded up with various diagnostic tools. I just find it nice to have the option and it's certainly not any more complicated than using the automator script.


you can add the net lauchpad from jamf into it as well,

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hey @krdell

Thanks for starting the discussion! The Casper Netboot Automator Action will work for 10.6 and earlier. For 10.7 and later, I would recommend using the steps in this KB article: