CC 2019 Woes for Packagers

New Contributor

I just found out that Adobe CC 2019 no longer supports CCP.

Adobe seems to be pushing everyone to the cloud; Adobe suggests that admins deploy named licenses. But our school doesn't work that way.

Did Adobe just screw us again? ;-) IF we want our computers to work in "Kiosk" mode, similar to how serial number licenses worked in CC 2018, do we now have to use "FRL" or Feature Restricted Licenses?


Contributor III

I'd suggest you read -

Long story short you will need to stay on 2018 until Adobe sort out what they are doing for non-user based licensing. This is likely to be a federated solutions so will still be using a web login, just hopefully using your own local id...

If you have Adobe Console account, then you can package Adobe Acrobat DC that should work if your organization has corporate license. That work for me. Upload process is a little difference than normal one. For the package download you will had to use Windows machine otherwise u will not be able to download. If u use mac then that will download as dmg and then you will had to winzip to unzip then you will get .pkg and upload to your distribution point and deploy via jamf.