Posted on 03-14-2016 07:40 AM
I have a script that renames a computer using scutil and I want that new name to be updated in the JSS. I am running this as a policy, but its not updating the JSS name. Do I need to run a recon right away or should the policy do that automatically? What do I need to run in order to have the JSS be updated right away with this new name?
FYI - I realize that I can do this FROM the JSS to the computer, but in this situation I need the computer name to change first and then update the JSS with that new name. Thanks!
Posted on 03-14-2016 07:58 AM
Recon should update the JSS record. Wait up to 24hrs, or kick off a recon in your script.
Posted on 03-14-2016 08:16 AM
If all you did was change the computer name then all it needs to do is check-in and the JSS should update to the new name.
Posted on 03-14-2016 08:21 AM
Ok thanks guys. So at the end of my script I'll impose a check-in. Just to confirm, all that would be needed is "jamf policy" or a "jamf recon"?
Posted on 03-14-2016 08:27 AM
I just did a quick test which showed 'jamf recon' is required at the end for the JSS to see the new name, yielding a different result than @strider.knh suggests. Of course, you should do your own tests to confirm.
Posted on 03-14-2016 09:08 AM
@danshaw, if you're running this as a policy, you don't need to include the "jamf recon" trigger to force inventory to update. There's a maintenance category under any policy where you can select "Update Inventory", which will run recon after all other tasks have finished.
Posted on 03-15-2016 06:55 AM
Awesome, thanks @NoahRJ . And thanks for the rest of you who also chimed in. I appreciate the help! I'll give it a try now.
Posted on 03-15-2016 07:21 AM
I use a version of a cocoadialog enabled script in Self Service to enable local support staff to properly change a computer name and re-bind to AD with the new name. Check it out:
# Created By: Ross Derewianko Ping Identity Corporation
# Creation Date: February, 2015
# Last modified: December 14th, 2015
# Modified for Sapient: December 14th, 2015 - Daniel Greening
# Brief Description: Changes machine hostname
#check for CocoaDialog & if not install it
if [ -d "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/" ]; then
CoDi="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/"
echo " not found installing"
jamf policy -event cocoa
CoDi="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/"
# Functions
#asks for the new hostname & then call in the cleaner!
function cdprompt() {
hostname=`"$CoDi" standard-inputbox --float --title "Sapient LS Computer Rename Utility" --informative-text "Enter the new computer name using Sapient naming convention:"`
if [ "$hostname" == "2" ]; then
echo "user cancelled"
exit 1
#cleans the first two characters out (cocoaDialog adds a 1
to the string value which we don't need.)
function cleanhostname() {
#checks for a blank hostname, and if its blank prompt agian
function checkforblank() {
while [[ -z $hostname && {$hostname+1} ]]
function sethostname() {
scutil --set HostName $hostname
scutil --set ComputerName $hostname
scutil --set LocalHostName $hostname
# Script
jamf policy -event ADBind
The ADBind policy has an "Update Inventory" on it, so I didn't include it in the script.