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11:59 PM
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Hey Everyone—
Please forgive if this is outside the scope here... I don't actually have/use JAMF, but so many web searches about SUS have brought me here, that this seemed like the most knowledgeable place regarding the inner workings of the Software Update Service. Just tell me to get lost if I'm intruding! :)
Anyway, I maintain some older Mac Pro 10.6.8 Servers that recently stopped being able to download most system updates via SUS, seemingly coinciding w/ the "Great Certificate Re-issuance of 2019" a few weeks ago. Something like Safari 13.0.3 will download and be available, but Security and Supplemental Updates do not. Logs look like this:
Thu Nov 7 21:18:15 swupd_syncd[89940] <Warning>: ignored invalid download request for product 061-27895, current state = PleaseMirror
The interface shows the clear bubble and greyed out checkbox. Looking at the html/content/downloads folder shows that it's not even creating the subfolders it needs, but even if I do that for it, it still doesn't download and save any files to disk.
I know these Snow Leopard servers are long in the tooth, but the SUS components have just continued to work as long as I added in new catalog paths and updated the Apache conf for each new OS. I'm hopeful this will be temporary or an easy fix for some of you experts, rather than having to change to something else.
Thanks for any insight and suggestions!
Posted on 11-11-2019 08:45 PM
We have a similar setup (though not quite as old as 10.6.8!) and updating the catalog paths/apache conf for each new OS continues to mirror updates for all OS versions so far including Catalina.
In the SUS settings do you have it set to mirror automatically or manually?
You might have to "refresh" your software update status file and the updates that have been downloaded to the html/content/downloads folder, especially after the recent "Great Certificate Re-issuance of 2019" a lot of redundant updates have been left behind.
<at your own risk!>
Hopefully this helps!
Posted on 11-12-2019 01:52 AM
Thank You slot
Posted on 11-12-2019 01:52 AM
Thank You slot
Posted on 11-21-2019 09:01 PM
Hey Takeo, thanks for the reply! I'm sorry I'm so slow back first my post was moderated, so I didn't realize it had been cleared and just happened to check back today!
To answer your question, I mirror manually. For these troublesome updates, if I select the entry and click Copy Now, swupd_syncd starts up and looks like it's going to download the update, but then it turns back off and gives the error message above in the logs. I will try your suggestion and see what happens. BTW, it's not just one 10.6.8 server I'm having trouble with— there are 3 or 4 that do the same thing.
Thanks again for the input. I will post back w/ what I find.