Changes to Firefox in Patch Reporting

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We want to give everyone a heads up that we just deployed some changes to the way we handle Firefox with patch reporting.

First, we’ve added a definition for Firefox ESR. (Previously, we only reported on the regular Firefox title.) This was based on feedback from all of you ( The new Firefox ESR title requires an extension attribute to exclude regular Firefox, since they share the same bundle ID. To start reporting on Firefox ESR, you just have to add it to Jamf Pro and accept the extension attribute.

As for regular Firefox, we used to have two titles for that—“Mozilla Firefox: Excludes ESR” and “Mozilla Firefox”. We have completely removed “Mozilla Firefox: Excludes ESR”, and we have added an extension attribute to “Mozilla Firefox” to ensure that it reports on Firefox only, not ESR. If you were already subscribed to “Mozilla Firefox: Excludes ESR”, we recommend that you delete that title, as it will become outdated as soon as the next Firefox update is released. If you were already subscribed to “Mozilla Firefox”, you just need to accept the new extension attribute.

For those that are curious, we had two main reasons for getting regular Firefox down to a single definition. 1) They seemed to really confuse people, including us internally at Jamf. (I spent about 20 minutes writing the previous paragraph before it made any sense!) And 2) people seem much more willing to run extension attributes than I thought.